TianYing is the most innovative made of mature, leading and advanced 5km~150km 1Hz~20Hz laser rangefinder, 20mJ~400mJ laser designator rangefinder, accuracy measuring tracking systems, 300mm~2000mm focal length no chromatic aberration coaxial zoom spotter SWIR NIR CCTV camera sights, electro-optical targeting systems, telephoto thermal cameras etc.
China TianYing D330 thermal imaging cameras are designed for high reliability, sharp clarity image, recognition vehicle 7km and detection beyond 10km - 640x512 or 1024x768, the D330 is an ideal outstanding medium long-range targeting solution in border protection and perimeter surveillance missions. The camera is very convenient alone use and easy integrated into system.
The D-330 offers two fields-of-view options for long-range detection and identification, but provides the ability to alternate rapidly among of two focal lengths. this two fields of view derived from the same principles as human vision, this way operators can see further, recognize more detail and react more quickly to security threats.
The camera features an uncooled infrared sensor with a ruggedized design to ensure performance in harsh desert, ocean and mountainous environments. With its equivalent 640x512 300mm focus f 2 lens and 320x256 600mm focus F4 lens cooled thermal camera recognition range performance, this camera give you lowest total cost of ownership.